
Discover the Magic of Orchids

Passion for Enchanting Orchids

Brisbane Orchid Society is a thriving community dedicated to the enchanting world of orchids. We serve a diverse range of orchid enthusiasts, from beginners to experienced growers, and offer engaging events, workshops, and resources to nurture your orchid-growing journey.

Our Core Values


We welcome orchid enthusiasts of all levels to our vibrant community.


We encourage the exchange of knowledge and insights among our members and the greater community.


We appreciate and delve into the beauty and mystery of orchids.

Our Aims

To promote the knowledge and advancement of all that pertains to orchids, particularly their natural history, cultivation and hybridisation.

To disseminate such knowledge to members and any other interested person.

To promote good fellowship and mutual understanding among those interested in the cultivation of orchids

To assist as far as possible, in preventing vandalism and/or the destruction of native orchids in their natural habitat.

Our Unique Offerings

Immerse yourself in the world of orchid fascination with our unique offerings.

Expert Advice

Our society fosters an environment where members can share their orchid-growing experiences and learn from one another. Members can easily access expert advice and guidance for their orchid-growing journey.

Community Engagement

Engage with a vibrant community of fellow orchid enthusiasts.

Exclusive Events

We bring orchid lovers together by organising a variety of exclusive events, workshops, exhibitions and talks by experts, that are specifically tailored for orchid lovers, ,

Hear from Our Members

Being a member has enriched my orchid-growing knowledge and connected me with fellow enthusiasts. A fantastic community!

– Sonya

Explore, Learn, and

Join Us on an Orchid Adventure Today

Monthly Meetings

Engage with like minded souls; sharing and learning through social conversation, expert presentations and classed plant competitions, to enhance your orchid care skills and knowledge.

Visitors are always welcome

When: Fourth (4th) Monday of each month except December.
Time: 7:30pm
Where: Upper Mount Gravatt Progress Hall
1873 Logan Road
Upper Mount Gravatt
Brisbane, QLD, Australia


Participate in exciting orchid shows and social gatherings to connect with fellow enthusiasts and expand your orchid network.


Access a wealth of orchid-related resources including expert advice and a feature packed monthly newsletter to support your orchid-growing journey.

Don’t miss out,

Start Your Orchid Journey Today

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