The Brisbane Orchid Society

2024 50th Anniversary Autumn Show - May 2024

Brisbane Orchid Society will host its '50th Anniversary' Orchid Show in May. Details below.

WHEN:Saturday 4th May from 8am to 4pm and Sunday 5th May from 8:30am to 2pm
WHERE:Belmont Shooting Complex.
1485 Old Cleaveland Road
Belmont, Qld. 4153.
For more information see the 2024 50th Anniversary Show Flyer , or Schedule
or contact us at
Benching Tags for our show can be downloaded here


  • To promote the knowledge and advancement of all that pertains to orchids, particularly their natural history, cultivation and hybridisation.
  • To disseminate such knowledge to members and any other interested person.
  • To assist as far as possible, in preventing vandalism and/or the destruction of native orchids in their natural habitat.
  • To promote good fellowship and mutual understanding among those interested in the cultivation of orchids.


The Brisbane Orchid Society caters for the needs of both the beginner and advanced grower. Beginners are especially catered for.

At monthly meetings, the more experienced growers are only too happy to answer questions for the beginner. Feature items are organised for monthly meetings. In plant competitions, beginners compete with others of a similar standard as themselves.

Bus trips are held a few times each year to various orchid shows fairs. These are excellent opportunities for beginners to see in practice the fundamentals of good orchid culture.

Members also receive a monthly newsletter packed the latest information from the Society and other Orchid information, to ensure that members have access to as many resources as possible.


You are welcome as a visitor to attend monthly meetings of the Society. Come along and learn how easy orchids are to grow.

When:Fourth (4th) Monday of each month, except December
Where: Upper Mt Gravatt Progress Hall*
1873 Logan Rd
Upper Mt Gravatt
Brisbane, Qld, Australia
* The hall is on the inbound on Logan Rd, on the southern side of the Klumpp Rd intersection, between the Bowls Club (1873 Logan Rd) and the Upper Mt Gravatt State Primary School (1899 Logan Rd), and opposite MacDonalds.

BOS Membership

If you would like to join our society you can print our membership form and mail it together with the payment to our secretary, or just attend one one of our meetings and request a membership form to fill out.

Membership of BOS is currently $25 per calender year for single or family membership. This includes a monthly newsletter plus the chance to attend our monthly meetings and other events held regularly, such bus trips, shade house visits, nursery visits, etc.

Our monthly meetings feature a speaker talking on some aspect of orchids or growing orchids to assist you increase your knowledge of orchids and growing orchids. There are also regular talks aimed specifically at novice growers to help them quickly increase their knowledge.

As a member of BOS, you also have full access to our library, which contains hundreds of orchid books and magazines. In addition, you gain access to the collective knowledge of our members to assist you with acquiring and growing your orchids.

Joining BOS (or your local society) is about the best thing you can do to improve your knowledge of orchids and your ability to grow your orchids to perfection.


If you would like any further information on our society or any aspect of orchids and how to grow them, our contacts are listed below.

Mailing Address: The Secretary
Brisbane Orchid Society
PO Box 2078
Runcorn, Qld. 4113

Updated: 18 January 2023

Please note we are currently updating the site, so it may change next time you visit.